The Association maintains approximately 56 km of roads along with 3 bridges and 207 acres of green areas.
The Association obtains its funding through the collection of a fee that is levied annually on all property owners within the Association. The monies that the Association receives are used to reach its objectives, as contained in the Memorandum of Association. The main concern of all owners is that the roads are maintained in a passable condition therefore the bulk of the budget is used on road maintenance.
A Board of Directors governs the Association with a maximum number of fourteen. This is based on the fourteen geographical areas defined within the association with three located on the northern side of Molega Lake (New Elm area) and referred to as the North Shore. The remaining areas are located on the south side of Molega Lake and are referred to as the South Shore.
The Directors are ratified at the Annual General Meeting held every year on the last Saturday of July. The Directors then meet in September and elect the Executive Committee, which is comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directors also elects or appoints Chairpersons for its standing committees which include finance, roads, government liaison, nominating and policies. The Board of Directors meet once each month on the last Monday of each month except for July, August, December and January.
The Association's fiscal year runs from May 1st to April 30th of the next year.

Lincoln's Sparrow Photo: Garry Conway